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The Effects of Teamwork on Competency Building in Manufacturing–PBL (Project-based Learning)

Table 5:

  DE ICC(1) ICC(2)
Team orientedness:
Work-execution orientedness 1.71 .102* .468
Work-norm orientedness 1.72 .103* .474
Team leadership:
Human relation 1.50 .072† .372
Technical 2.47 .213*** .674
Knowledge & information 1.57 .082† .405
Team process:
Mutual understanding & support 1.35 .050 .285
Work execution 1.38 .054 .302
Problem coping 1.28 .041 .246
Competency building:
Technical competency 2.74 .252*** .721
Attitudinal competency 1.59 .086* .420
†p < .10, *p < .05, ** p< .01, ***p < .001.
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