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Association of Optimism and Health-Related Behavior with Mental Health in Czech Adolescents

Table 2:

Model Predictor Beta Coefficients t Sig.
1 Gender 0.131 4.965 <0.001
Age group -0.231 -8.753 <0.001
2 Gender 0.070 3.082 <0.001
Age group -0.180 -7.788 <0.001
LOTR_optimism 0.428 17.010 <0.001
LOTR_pessimism -0.151 -6.119 <0.001
3 Gender 0.068 3.330 <0.001
Age group -0.113 -5.245 <0.001
LOTR_optimism 0.212 8.623 <0.001
LOTR_pessimism -0.083 -3.752 <0.001
Avoidance of harmful substances and other risks 0.016 0.790 0.429
Active lifestyle 0.120 5.941 <0.001
Regular daily routine 0.096 4.614 <0.001
Maintenace of mental health 0.350 15.177 <0.001
Avoidance of addictive substances 0.007 0.342 0.733
Loneliness -0.173 -7.851 <0.001
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