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Audiovisual Method, Psycholinguistics and Sociocultural Approaches in Teaching Chinese

Table 2:

Stage Tasks Procedure
Pre-watching stage warming-up tasks TASK 1: Check new words and expressions.TASK 2: Read about “xiao”; “fuliyuan”; the one-child government policy; the traditions of having birthday parties.TASK 3: Share your expectations about the main idea of the film.TASK 4: Predict the development of events.
While-watching stage comprehension tasks TASK 1: Recognize new words and expressions.TASK 2: Analyze the formulaic expressions and demeanor of the two women. Focus on their intonation and how it matches their facial expressions. TASK 3: Grasp the central concept of the film (sociocultural and ethical aspects of life/the notion of happiness). Concentrate on the developed relationship between the characters/emotional attitudes towards the problem they are speaking about.
Post-watching stage feedback tasks TASK 1: Answer the following questions:How old is grandma Li? (Zhang?)When is grandma Li’s birthday? (grandma Zhang's?)How do they usually celebrate their birthdays?Explain why each of them is living in the “fuliyuan”.Give your reasons for grandma Zhang feeling unhappy.TASK 2: Summarize the main points discussed in the film. Interpret the mood of each old woman.TASK 3: Have a group discussion. Define the problem raised in the film.Speak on how the government policy may influence the Chinese people’s way of life.Debate on the parental respect issue in China and Russia. Compare the Chinese tradition of celebrating birthdays with the one in Russia.
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