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A Corpus Based Investigation of Academic Emotions in Foreign Language Learning Environment

Table 2:

Positive emotions References (n) Negative emotions References (n)
Happiness (Sevinç) 51 Distress (Sıkıntı) 80
Love (Sevgi) 19 Fear (Korku) 77
Relief (Rahatlama) 18 Sadness (Üzüntü) 31
Curiosity/Interest (Merak/ilgi) 15 Anxiety (heyecan) 21
Satisfaction (Tatmin) 12 Unwillingness (İsteksizlik) 12
Courage (Cesaret) 8 Anger (Öfke) 11
Admiration (Hayranlik) 5 Disappointment (Hayal Kırıklığı) 10
Hope (Umut) 5 Disliking (Hoşlanmama) 8
Surprise (Hayret) 2 Shame (Utanma) 5
Excitement (heyecan) 2 Lack of Courage(Cesaretsizlik) 4
Desire (Arzu) 1 Hatred (Nefret) 3
Pride (Gurur) 1 Surprise (Hayret) 2
Longing (Özlem) 2
Reproach (Kınama) 1
Jealousy (Kıskançlık) 1
Positive TOTAL 139 Negative TOTAL 268
General TOTAL 407
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