The cultural characteristics of today’s society, with their numerous multicultural and intercultural elements, make the study of organizational culture become very tempting. Each organization has a distinct personality, determined by the values, beliefs, principles shared by its members. The present study centres on the problem of organizational culture of professional emergency services in the Timis county, a rather recent institution, in the first line of public services, so as to bring about unavoidable changes. The idea of a studying and identifying the characteristics of organizational culture of the professional emergency services in the Timis county is extremely useful, as long as there has been no previous research in this field targeting this type of structure inside the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the data of this study could be a starting point for establishing the fundaments, outlining and applying managing strategies that prove to be adequate for the existing culture and organizational environment, suggesting ways of applying the programmes of change in organizational culture. We have considered in this study a sample of 650 members of the staff of the Emergency Inspectorate Banat in Timis county, who have been given a questionnaire in order to identify their fundamental cultural dimensions and their attitude towards change. The results show that we can clearly outline the need of undertaking certain steps towards cultural-organizational change, targeting mostly a shifting in accent from an inward orientation, conservatory views, dogmatism, rigidity, the absence of transparency toward a more open, proactive attitude, toward flexibility and association.
Keywords: Managementorganizational cultural changesorganizational culture;professional emergency servicesSWOT analysis
The study of organizational culture has a relatively short history. It has begun to expand only over
the last five decades (with the remarkable results obtained by Japanese enterprises, which could be
explained especially by their specific culture), when a big number of studies focused on this subject.
However, these studies do not cover all aspects of organizational culture, and neither do they refer to
all countries or all types of organizations, which encouraged me to take part in the further development
of this area of study that plays an extremely important role in the functioning of an organization.
Organizational culture represents „a cognitive process of adaptation to the specific diversity of
organizational contexts and of integration within this reality” (Pâinișoară, 2006: 34).
By culture, we refer to those ideal components (patterns of action, norms, concepts, values) and
materials (clothing, furniture items, flags) of a group, by which its members are offered numerous
possibilities of adaptation to the most varied situations (Mihăilescu, 2003: 43-44).
Undertaking this research process is motivated by the actuality of the research topic (which falls
within the research priority in sociology, psychology, management science, etc.), as well as by its
complexity and by the influence it has on the organizational environment. The present-day
organizational system of our country, while being subject to many influences of globalization, is
undergoing many reforms and fast evolutions, on a technological, social and economic level, making so
that organizational behavior is experiencing a continuous process of transformation and diversification;
hence, tackling the matter of organizational culture tends to be of growing importance.
Since this represented a personal challenge right from the moment of my hiring within the „Banat”
Inspectorate for Emergencies within the Timiș county, I decided to research the organizational culture
of professional emergency services more in depth, being driven by the need and desire to know and
understand this aspect of organizational system better. Starting from here, my intention is to be able to
support, through this study, the managers in controlling the cultural problems of organizations, since
they can identify the cultural components that slow down the development of an institution and
transform them instead into values, attitudes and behaviors that favor reaching the objectives of the
organization. At the same time, I would like this study to awaken the interest of the personnel that
occupies leading positions with regard to the way in which the real or fictitious components of
organizational culture are present in the consciousness and behavior of their staff. Last, but not least,
identifying the cultural profile of the professional emergency services of the Timiș county and
harmonizing the organization’s identity on an internal level with the way it is perceived from those
outside of it must become of foremost interest for anybody occupying a leading position in the
The purpose of this thesis
of Timiș county, to underline the main existing traits of organizational culture with its advantages and
disadvantages, the threats as well as the opportunities worth taking that are given by this profile. All
these will represent a starting point for identifying the possible changes that are both necessary and
applicable, for all executive and managerial levels, with the aim of increasing performances.
The general objective
cultural profile of the professional emergency services of the Timiș county, with the aim of inquiring
the practical necessity for reshaping this profile.
3.1. The specific objectives:
identifying all variables (internal and external) that contribute to its organizational culture, to ensure the
institution’s performance on long term;
- researching the employees’ attitudes and viewpoints with regard to the critical cultural components
within this organization;
- examining the differences between the existing culture and the one desired by the organization’s
importance of organizational culture in the evolution process of the institution, as well as with regard to
their extremely important role in creating and supporting the right strategies for changing the
organizational culture, as a key element in the process of continuous optimization of all the activities
within the institution.
The universe of population investigated
I have selected and built a sample made up of 650 employees of the Inspectorate for Emergencies
„Banat” of the Timiș County, Romania.
Research Methodology
In order to obtain a conclusive representation of a social object, one must bind to a much
appreciated principle, that of a multi-methodological approach (Iacob, Matei & Boza, 2006: 17-27). In
the attempt to observe the psychological and social aspects involved in the management of
organizational culture as precise and exhaustive as possible, I have used a varied range of methods,
both qualitative and quantitative, in order to have a complementary approach: the questionnaire method1 and complementary methods: interviews with the management team and the whole active personnel, focus-groups, direct observation, analysis of internal documents: work protocols, internal and external reports, statistical data (turnover of personnel, sanctions), articles from the mass media (Ticu, 2004; Bibu & Brancu, 2000).
1 Diagnosing Organizational Culture Instrument (Roger Harrison), The questionnaire „Job satisfaction SP1”, The questionnaire „Attitude towards change ASII” (Ticu, 2004: 269-287), The questionnaire „Rating Scale attitude towards cultural aspects of organizational life” (Bibu, & Brancu, 2000: 11-13).
Compiling this study is based on the model proposed by Carmen-Aida Hutu in her thesis
„Organizational Culture and Technology Transfer” (Huțu, 1999: 113-159).
5.1. Strengths:
- the members of the organization are involved, receptive, with a high attachment to the institution;
- the management team: professional skills, resoluteness, intuition, capacity to take risks, the
capacity to adapt to new and uncertain situations, the desire to achieve remarkable success;
- the existence of several examples in the collective memory with regard to the successful
achievement of important modifications in the institution (creating the county Inspectorate for
Emergencies on the 15th of December 2004, by merging the Timiș Firefighters’ Group and the
Inspectorate of Civil Protection of Timiș County) and the positive image within the community, to
which all employees have contributed (an important element of group cohesion) might represent a
significant criterion for attracting and keeping quality people in the institution;
- the existence of an articulate system of values with positive character, which is communicated and
accepted within the whole institution, as well as a set of moral, ethical values promoted by the
- the instrumental motivation is a good motivational force. There are also internal motivational
forces that have a strong impact on a part of the employed personnel, such as: the challenge they feel
during every mission that they partake in, the objective feedback, the positive feelings every time they
manage to be better than before and to confirm their level of competency to themselves.
5.2. Weaknesses:
- the communication system and style is predominantly a vertical one, with a descending sense,
making it more difficult to successfully implement a coherent process of transformation on the cultural
- one can observe the existence of an informal communication system that runs along parallel to the
formal one and that represents a reactive aspect, impeding the normal transmission of information
within the organization;
- the general tendency is one of acting in situations of utmost emergency;
- the lack of a correlation between the degree of involvement and the effort they make, on the one
hand, and the rewards offered, on the other hand, while the individual/team performance is not always
fairly and systematically rewarded, from a financial point of view;
- the internal organization matches the bureaucratic type of culture;
- the low involvement in the decision making process of the employees who are at the basis of the
- the existence of certain outdated mentalities that have a counterproductive character.
5.3. Opportunities:
- the image, popularity, history and tradition of the institution represent intrinsic motivational forces
that are still strong enough to attract and keep people within the institution;
- the collaborations and the exchanges of experience with similar institutions from different
European countries represent opportunities for exchanges of cultural models that can be used for the
increase of the efficiency and efficacy of all the activities of the institution.
5.4. Threats:
- the policies and action strategies are influenced by the fact that this is a state institution;
- the organizational structure is rather rigid, and the mentalities that persist within the institution
promote a rather conservatory and bureaucratic character;
- the increased centralization of decisions and the conflicts that arise from here;
- the cases when information is incomplete at the level of the pyramid’s basis;
- the influences of exogenous variables (national culture, local culture, the economic and the
juridical environment) and those of institutional elements on the organizational system of the institution
are slowing down the institutional flexibility.
Presenting the research reports for managerial teams, and also for chiefs of structures becomes a
mandatory obligation for situational awareness of both the current and the desired situation; regarding
the finding of an optimal solution for improving the cultural organizational elements which can
facilitate the decrease of occupational stress and the increase of work performance.
This paper may assist managers and
organizational psychologists, helping them to get to a better understanding of the dynamics of the
institutions they belong to, through the subjective experiences of the group members.
My approach to knowledge could be a major prerequisite for improving intra- and inter-
organizational communication and for decision-making optimization. Knowing the cultural profile of
the professional emergency services, managers can predict the degree of success of strategies designed
to develop the organization and can build policies and strategies to support appropriate organization
culture and environment.
Psychologists working within the professional emergency services should focus more on the "force"
behind invisible readily observable and tangible things in the organization (organizational culture)
because it is the social energy that determines people to act.
Also, this work could be a tool of management awareness for the military institutions, concerning
the importance of continue analyzing of organizational culture.
In order to successfully manage the numerous transaction periods that the institution had to go
through, like most other state institutions (and not only) of our country, the Inspectorate for
Emergencies „Banat” of the Timiș County and first and foremost, its managerial team, should pay
much greater attention to the organizational culture. This process has been shown as absolutely
necessary and is one that involves both the leading personnel, as well as the executive, in the thorough
substantiation of the institution’s cultural framework and, thereby, towards a long-term evolution of
The process of cultural transformation also implies considerable investments, and for that reason,
the institution must foresee sufficient and adequate resources aimed to finance the employees’ training,
for only if they agree with the change and are well prepared, from a motivational, emotional,
informational and cultural perspective, can the change be successful.
One must also take into consideration several topics for the employees’ training programs, that
present the traits of the continuous cultural transformation process within the organizational
environment. At the same time, it is important to draw up a strategy for human resources within the
organization’s general strategy and to ensure a coherent and adaptive organization of the institution, so
that networking and communication may be those of a solid and far-sighted culture.
The personnel that occupies leading positions should dedicate time on a regular basis to self-analysis
of its own attitudes, behaviors and actions, as well as to ensure a fast response on their side, whenever
there is an opportunity for change, so that the effort needed for achieving the cultural modifications
may be much smaller, since the social environment can undergo impairments that make the rejection of
change much more categorical.
Applying the above mentioned recommendations will lead to the following positive consequences
for the organization: establishing a cultural basis that may support organizational change, improving
openness on the side of the management with regard to the cultural transformations that are so
important in the continuous process of institutional reorganization, optimizing the work environment,
improving the managerial capabilities, increasing the return on work, efficiency and efficacy of all the
activities throughout the whole institution.
The organizational configuration is over-centralized, causing, in certain situations, major differences
between the given situation and the one desired (for example, the existing culture is perceived as being
predominantly a role-centered one, while the majority of the employees prefer a task-centered culture).
The collected data showcases that the weak involvement of the employees in the decision-making
process, the big power-gap, the tendency towards collectivism, the predominantly feminine character,
the strong avoidance of uncertainty all represent traits of the national culture that are visibly reflected
on the level of the organization.
Most employees share the idea of organizing, structuring and skilling those departments of activity
which, at the moment, are managed rather intuitively within the institution. One can also remark the
dawn of a need for change, and this moment needs to be fully grasped, as soon as possible, so that such
a fruitful opportunity may not be missed. The dimension and the configuration of the institution, the
developmental stage it goes through (its maturity), the maintenance of the status-quo and the strong
relationships between the organizational culture, the management style, the efficacy and efficiency of
the activities within the whole organization – all of these are aspects that show that the process of
transformation the organizational culture goes through must start with redefining the hierarchical
relationships, initiating new forms of communication and approaching leadership from a transactional
point of view.
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Publication Date
04 October 2016
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Future Academy
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Communication, communication studies, social interaction, moral purpose of education, social purpose of education
Cite this article as:
Vastag (Vlăduțescu), I. (2016). Overview of Organizational Culture in Professional Emergency Services in the Timis. In A. Sandu, T. Ciulei, & A. Frunza (Eds.), Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty, vol 15. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 1077-1083). Future Academy. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2016.09.133