The fact that we are interested in this era is the finding of a modus vivendi, both at zonal communities level, and the national, regional and world level. The globalization phenomenon, considered in the last decades, as being the main cause of the new human (world) realities, it is followed by the reactions of the participants to this holistic production and distribution system of the commodities (goods) and services in today economy and society. These functional components, subject to powerful and diverse challenges of human, material, cultural, religious and economic nature, are exactly the national communities. What they have to do? First of all, to progress themselves, to permanent modify their status and existential level. And how the progress is primordially based on the population dynamics, we consider that the human factor is responsible for the imperative process of the continuing life and activities (acts). But, on the other hand, we consider in this paper, that the equation of the functioning and upward trend of any society (economy) depends on the qualitative and structural factors, which influence the human resource and, consequently, influence the permanent improvement of the life standard and of the Macroeconomic indicators in evaluation for each national entity.
Keywords: Progressstructural factorshuman resourcespostmodernism
If we were to look into the past, we surely could see the society has progressed, that the man created
through techniques and technologies a plurality of facilities: on the one hand, the man no longer lives
in caves and, on the other hand, the fact that the progress of the society allowed him to reach the far
corners of the Earth, to communicate more easy and to trade smoother each other from all over the
world.The mankind has evolved and faces new challenges linked to the idea of
scientific domains, the discovery and colonization of other worlds
so by sociologists, philosophers, economists, all of them contributing to the creation of the myth of
progress, but base of research for the new lines society developments (Boia, 2000).H. Marcuse, for
example, did distinguish between
developed during centuries, with human knowledge, skills, and needs. As long the culture as a whole is
progressing, the human needs and activities increase and can meet these requirements which become
more complex and more diversified.The qualitative progress, as historical progress, assumes the
realization of the human liberty, of its morality; Herbert Marcuse points out that people become freer
and focused on the daily activities of living. People become more human and the oppression and
arbitrary tended to diminish. But, some authors consider that these new technologies may lead to
sophisticated forms of hidden slavery (Terec-Vlad & Terec-Vlad, 2013).
The Post-modernity entails distrust in so-called meta-narrations and the background of the
modernity becoming. Deconstructing the myth of the progress trend myth (appeared during the French
Revolution) may lead to a dilemma, because considering
interrupted by the qualitative leap generated by the emergence of moral collective consciousness and,
at the same, the emergence of an ethic of collective responsibility (Frunză, 2016).
1.1.Remarks on Globalization
The globalization phenomenon, considered in the last decades, as being the main cause of the new
human (world) realities, it is followed by the reactions of the participants to this holistic production and
distribution system of the commodities (goods) and services in today economy and society. These
functional components, subject to powerful and diverse challenges of human, material, cultural,
religious and economic nature, are exactly the national communities. The globalization effects, both
positive and negative, have been highlighted, amongst others, by Claudia Isac and Nicolae Ecobici, as
follows (Isac & Ecobici, 2007):
Positive effects:
-The world wide spread of production;
-The uptake of new technologies;
-The privatization;
-The shrinkage of the distances;
-The awareness of the global issues;
-The reforms encouraging;
-The rule of law and of the afferent state;
-The stimulating of cohabitation and cohesion;
-The reducing, by political will, of the danger of the armed conflicts;
-The enriching of the cultural heritage.
Negative effects:
-The weakness of social cohesion;
-The inequalities increase, both endogenous and exogenous;
-The destruction of the classic system of the hierarchy of values;
-The arms proliferation;
-The expansion of the communication techniques;
-The spread of the post-capitalist elements.
Globalization, as multidimensional phenomenon may be several ways: economic, technological,
cultural, etc. When we are talking about economic globalization we consider a plurality of factors and
phenomena, conscious and intentional transformations, through which, new world realities and
structural orders are sought and modalities in which these aspects could be put into practice, if there is
no international consensus in its favor (Huzum, 2012). The Globalization is, in fact, the triumph of the
economic liberalism, its spirit being the new kind of liberalism in the post-modern era. The
technological globalization is linked to the development of the revolutionary technologies IT & C,
technologies who made possible the communication in real time and the diversification of the operating
activities. Information from all over the world may be known in very short time from its issue and new
domains appeared and developed, such as
researches are done for improving the life and the health status of the people, also in order to provide
the increase the man resistance to stressors. Of course, the information in domains of vanguard, such as
artificial intelligence and genetic engineering could have negative effects. Julian Savulescu and Ingmar
Persson talk about the risks that involve the development of the new revolutionary technologies,
highlightingthat it is easier to harm and to produce prejudices than advantages, due to the increasing of
our powers and knowledge, thanks to these amazing new technologies of today (Persson & Săvulescu,
1.2.Progress as a matter of fact
The fact that we are interested in this era is the finding of a modus vivendi, both at local level of
communities, and at the national, regional and world level.
The globalization phenomenon, considered in the last decades, as being the main cause of the new
human (world) realities, it is followed by the reactions of the participants to this holistic production and
distribution system of the commodities (goods) and services in today economy and society. These
functional components, subject to powerful and diverse challenges of human, material, cultural,
religious and economic nature, are exactly the national communities.
What they have to do? First of all, to progress themselves, to permanent modify their status and
existential level. And how the progress is primordially based on the population dynamics, we consider
that the human factor is responsible for the imperative process of the continuing life and activities
But, on the other hand, we consider in this paper that the equation of the functioning and ascending
trend of any society (economy) depends on the qualitative and structural factors, which influence the
human resource and, consequently, influence the permanent improvement of the life standard and of
the Macroeconomic indicators in evaluation for each national entity.
Progress in Economics assumes the analysis of the changes both inside and outside the economic
and social systems, in fact a combination of new insights and, furthermore detailed investigations,
testing and feedback of different issues, activities and phenomena in the field.
Progress takes into account the limitations of theoretical Economics as a science and its possibilities
for pertinent and able forecasts. We are interested in reducing risks, using methods and instruments for
a better correction of the errors and failures in the day-to-day activity of entities, households and
Economics, merely said, Macroeconomics, is the main field for the action of the progress. But, this
component, exactly as the whole Economic science, is not an empirical and policy making science, is
much complex, including a lot of inter-disciplines sciences, human, technical, biological sciences,
which give it this complexity and multidimensional view.
The IT & C revolutionary technologies, the newer approaches, become the background for the new
evolution, the spears of the society’s trends, in the benefit of communities, economies and mankind.
The future = the progress will strengthen also Economics and open new challenges for economists,
researchers, academicians.
Progress means, basically, the incorporation of information, R & D, long-life-learning, the
absorption of the mainstream economics and best results and practice in the domains with which
Economics works together.
On the other hand, we have to observe and take into account the situation in which, the economic
growth and the following facts ad acts (including the Progress) determine a recoil regarding the welfare
status or level of the people (Trifu, 2006).
Progress is organic integrated within systems, is part of the entire economic, social, cultural
mechanisms, but above all, progress has to be the result of the equation, implying the obtaining of more
reasonable and better life.
The message and relevance of the progress is that the attention and efforts to be focused on realities,
challenges and changes, including of the institutions and to find the proper rules, procedures,
techniques, in order to reach this final goal (the result of equation, among others).
In our recent days, considering the facts produced all over the world, in a short time, we may say
medium run.
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- Frunză, A., (2016). Către o nouă expertiză etică – deconstruind valorile etice. Iași: Editura Lumen.
- Huzum, L. (2012). Globalizarea și efectele sale. Studiu critic, Symposion. Revistă de Științe Socio-Umane, X, 2(20), 609-638 Isac, C., Ecobici, N. (2007). Efectele globalizării. Analele Universității Constantin Brâncuși din Târgu Jiu, Seria Economie, 1, 51-54 Persson, I., Săvulescu, J. (2014). Neadaptați pentru viitor: nevoia de bioameliorare morală. București: Editura All.
- Terec-Vlad, L., Terec-Vlad, D. (2013). Ethical Aspects within Human Cloning. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 92, 920-924.
- Trifu, Al. (2006). Globalizare şi dezvoltare. Iaşi: Ed. Performantica.
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Publication Date
04 October 2016
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Future Academy
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Communication, communication studies, social interaction, moral purpose of education, social purpose of education
Cite this article as:
Trifu, A. (2016). Is the Progress Enough in the Actual Equation of the Social-Economic Becoming?. In A. Sandu, T. Ciulei, & A. Frunza (Eds.), Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty, vol 15. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 1022-1026). Future Academy. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2016.09.127