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The Impact of Social Well-being on Sustainability Practice among Malaysian Manufacturing Firms

Table 3:

Items Frequency Percentage
Encourage employees to give suggestions towards sustainable improvement 1 1
Encourage line stops due to safety concerns 2 1.9
Reduction of injuries, occupational diseases, lost days, and absenteeism 1 1
Education, training, counselling, prevention, and employee empowerment to limit the risk of injuries at work place 1 1
Human Rights skill training for security personnel 1 1
Skills management programs 2 1.9
Employee performance and career development review 1 1
Product life cycle assessment for health and safety impacts 2 1.9
Reduce customer complaint 1 1
Provide product and service information required by customers 1 1
COMMUNITY (Manufacturing Community)
Participation in Public Policy Development 8 7.7
Public Service Management 9 8.7
Community Service Responsibility (CSR) programs 4 3.8
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