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Adolescent Antisocial Behaviour: A Comparative Analysis of Male and Female Variables Related to Transgression

Table 8: Pearson correlations between age, behavioural measures and individual characteristics in boys and girls

Boys Girls
Age YSRAntisocial CBCL Aggressive Behaviour Age YSRAntisocial CBCL Aggressive Behaviour
Age 1 .16 * .04 1 .22 ** .06
YSR Antisocial .16 * 1 .29 ** .22 ** 1 .36 **
CBCL Aggressive Behaviour .04 .29 ** 1 .06 .36 ** 1
Psychoticism .03 .59 ** .26 ** .07 .46 ** .20 **
Extraversion .04 .12 .19 ** -.06 .09 .06
Neuroticism .11 .39 ** .03 .23 ** .41 ** .17 **
Lie -.41 ** -.53** -.17* -.29 ** -.47 ** -.13 *
Behavioural Adjustm. -.04 -.63 ** -.23 ** -.13 * -.35 ** -.17 **
Intellectual/School Stat. -.17 * -.40 ** -.15 * -.21 ** -.38 ** -.12 *
Physical App/Attributes -.07 -.06 .05 -.15 * -.15 ** -.03
Anxiety -.05 -.32 ** -.01 -.23 ** -.23 ** -.08
Popularity -.20 ** -.20 ** .09 -.18 ** -.17 ** -.02
Happiness/Satisfaction -.12 -.25 ** .03 -.26 ** -.27 ** -.09
Global Self-Concept -.14 * -.44 ** -.08 -.26 ** -.37 ** -.12 *
Family Environment -.17 * -.39 ** -.14 -.21 ** -.31 ** -.11
Cohesion -.15 * -.37 ** -.10 -.25 ** -.26 ** -.09
Conflict .21 ** .37 ** .03 .27 ** .33 ** .18 **
Intellectual/Cultural Or. -.06 -.19 ** -.20 ** -.21 ** -.20 ** -.02
Active/Recreational Or. -.13 -.21 ** -.10 -.16 ** -.21 ** -.08
Moral/Religious Emp. -.18 * -.10 -.05 -.12 * -.17 ** -.10
Organisation -.15 * -.41 ** -.11 -.26 ** -.30 ** -.02
Self-Control -.12 -.37 ** -.06 -.14 * -.42 ** -.14 *
Empathy .02 -.27 ** -.02 .06 -.10 -.13 *
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