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Emotional–Behavioural Profiles and Parental Support in Adolescents with Motor Vehicle Accidents

Table 3: Contribution of Perceived Family Support to all YSR Subscales: R², β, t and p Values

YSR PFSE R² β t p
Withdrawn .629 −.793 −12.889 < 0.001
Somatic complaints .528 −.727 −10.469 < 0.001
Anxious/depressed .651 −.807 −13.517 < 0.001
Social problems .368 −.607 −7.552 < 0.001
Thought problems .075 −.274 −2.816 < 0.001
Attention problems .032 .178 1.795 .076
Delinquent behaviour .233 .473 5.308 < 0.001
Aggressive behaviour .637 −.798 −.13.113 < 0.001
Self-destruct identity .503 −,709 −9.964 < 0.001
Other problems .513 −.716 −10.162 < 0.001
Int. dimension .781 −.885 −18.821 < 0.001
Ext. dimension .796 −.892 −.19.537 < 0.001
Tot problems scale .840 −.916 −22.651 < 0.001
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