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Sociodemographic factors and sleep disorders in the person with palliative situation

Table 1: Sociodemographic characteristics

Male(n= 41; 49,4 %) Female(n=42; 50,6%) Total(n= 83; 100%)
n % n % n %
X - ± Std. deviation 68,8 ± 12,6) 73,1 ± 12,7 70,9 ± 12,8
Age group
≤ 64 17 41,5 1 23,8 27 32,5
65-78 12 29,3 14 33,3 26 31,3
≥ 79 12 29,3 18 42,9 3 36,2
Civil status
Single/widower/divorced 20 48,8 22 52,4 42 50,6
Married / Civil union 21 51,2 2 47,6 41 49,4
Area of residence
Rural 25 61,0 29 69,0 54 65,1
Urban 16 39,0 13 31,0 29 34,9
Outside Viseu district 33 8,5 3 71,4 63 75,9
Viseu district 8 19,5 12 28,6 2 24,1
Education level
≤ 4 years 19 46,3 19 45,2 38 45,8
5º a 9º years 17 41,5 2 47,6 37 44,6
≥ 10º years 5 12,2 3 7,1 8 9,6
Professional activity
Active 28 68,3 1 23,8 38 45,8
Not active 13 31,7 32 76,2 45 54,2
Monthly household income
One minimum wage 30 73,2 33 78,6 63 75,9
≥ 2 minimum wages 11 26,8 9 21,4 2 24,1
Religious practice
Yes 37 9,2 41 97,6 78 94,0
No 4 9,8 1 2,4 5 6,0
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