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Life effectiveness and Attitude towards the Psy4life Program

Table 2:

Variables N Percentage
Number of siblings 1-9 70
10-15 30
Location 18 90
Sulit village, Paitan
Pinggan-Pinggan village, Pitas 2 10
Religion 15 75
Muslim 5 25
Ethnicity 18 90
Dusun Sungai
Melayu Brunei 1 5
Others 1 5
Household income 16 80
Below RM1000
RM1001–1500 3 15
Higher than RM3001 1 5
Father’s occupation 1 5
Private sector
Government worker 14 70
Not working 2 10
Not relevant (father deceased) 2 2
Missing 1 5
Past involvement in youth programmes 11 55
No 9 45
Education level 11 55
Form 1–3 (low secondary school)
Form 4–6 (high secondary school) 9 45
Programme types 1 5
Islamic youth camp
National service training 1 5
Spiritual camp 2 10
Youth Programmes 1 5
Sports (e.g., volleyball, football) 6 30
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