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 Broadening teacher training: playful learning in non-formal contexts for science and mathematics education

Table 1:

Code Category Frequency (%)
SME Science and mathematics education 26
Code Subcategory Example Frequency (%)
SMfC Science and mathematics for children “Apply mathematical and scientific contents from early ages” 3
SMDL Science and mathematics in daily life “The importance of math and science in daily life of anyone, whether children or adults” 5
SMC Scientific and mathematical contents “Scientific and mathematical contents” 3
SMR (STEM) Relations between science and mathematics (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) “Relate science to mathematics” 3
PMSME Playful methodology for science and mathematics education “We learn to work with math and science with our future students in a playful way” “Having knowledge to develop a mathematical and scientific game from the experience” 8
RSME Resources for science and mathematics education “Making mathematical and scientific (educational) resources” 3
SSME Self-confidence as science and mathematics educators “New ideas for losing the fear to work on mathematics and science with children, since we have discovered that these subjects are present in almost everything” 3
Code Category Frequency (%)
PL Playful learning 54
Code Subcategory Examples Frequency (%)
PEM Playful educational methodology “Learn to use play to teach contents” 3
KG Knowledge about games “We collect many ideas for games” “In assessing which games are appropriate for each level and to develop a certain capacity” 8
GO Game organization “We have learned to organize them (the games)” “I think toys cards can be very useful for me” 5
EGM Educational games manufacture “Make a toy that is truly educative and fits the characteristics of the receiver group” “The preparation of the final game also helps raise awareness that it is not so difficult to develop something for the children in an original way” 18
ER Educational resources “Resources to perform in the classroom” “Materials and information” “Everything learned in class that we can use in our future (professional) practice” 10
CC Children’s creativity “Encourage children's creativity” 3
ML Motivation to learn “Look for the motivation of our students (…) to go to the school or for a specific area” 3
CI Continuous innovation “Is necessary to be constantly innovating” 5
Code Category Frequency (%)
NE Non- formal education 56
Code Subcategory Examples Frequency
KNE Knowledge of non-formal education “It gives us a some knowledge to know non-formal environments in which to work” “To learn how to move through non-formal education” “We know other professional opportunities” 31
CNEFE Connection between non-formal education and formal education “It gives us some knowledge to know non-formal environments in which to work, take our students if we work in a (formal) centre” 3
MWPC Management and working in a toy library “Knowing the operation of a toy library” “Idea to set up a toy library” 21
E Entrepreneurship “Ability to create self-employment” 3
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