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Composite Indices as International Approaches to Elderly Population Well-being Evaluation: Evidence from Russia

Table 6:

AAI Indicators AAI indicators description Russian Statistics and comments
Remaining life expectancy achievement of 50 years at age 55 Remaining life expectancy (RLE) at 55 divided by 50 to calculate the proportion of life expectancy achievement in the target of 105 years of life expectancy. FSSS: “Remaining life expectancy” at 60 years for male respondents and 55 for females.
Share of healthy life years in the remaining life expectancy at age 55 Healthy Life Years (HLY) a measure of disability-free life expectancy that combines information on quality and quantity of life. HLY measures the remaining number of years spent free of activity limitation. The indicator can be calculated indirectly.
Mental well-being To capture mental well-being of older population aged 55+, so as to complement the measure of physical health captured via the healthy life expectancy measure, with the help of an index that measures self-reported feelings of positive happy moods and spirits. No evidence of indicators or monitoring results.
Use of ICT Share of people aged 55-74 using the internet at least once a week. FSSS: “Older Generation” periodic monitoring results.Indicator: “The members of the household aged 55 to 72 years using the Internet constantly.”
Social connectedness* The indicator measures the share of people aged 55 or more that meet socially with friends, relatives or colleagues at least once a week (How often socially meet with friends, relatives or colleagues?).
Educational attainment of older persons Percentage of older persons aged 55-74 with upper secondary or tertiary educational attainment. CMPLC: “What kind of educational background do you have?" (age group 55-69 or 55 and older).
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