Communicative competences among high school students are the main factors of forming them as professionals. It relates with professionally developed knowledge, communicative and organization flexibility which is highly important The level of communicative competences during special psychological training was measured before and after intervention. During the training intervention following technics were applied: Warm-up exercises,Role games,Couple character games,Group discussion The purpose of the present study is to investigate the psychological features of communicative competence among high school students. The issue of professional training is not the competence of only several educational centers, but the main issue in developing high quality professionals in modern Kazakhstan. In the present study we used following methods: 1. B.А. Fedorishin’s questionare defining the communicative and organizational capabilities (COC) 2. The test of communicative habits (Author: L. Mikhelson translated and adopted by Y.Z. Gilbukha) 3. Diagnostic scale of communicative social competence 4. Mathematical processing of research results. The discriptive analysis of communicative competences was made before and after the training intervention. The communicative and oratorical abilities was increased in experimental group. In experiment group the level of dependence and aggressiveness decreased, however, the acceptability of changes was not proven statistically. By the test of communicative habits it was taken place logics, attentiveness,the decreasing of level emotional stability According to the results we can conclude that communicative competence is psychological knowledge system on professional and individual tasks and objectives, oneself and others, communicative skills, communicative strategies in social cases. Being psychologist assume us to evaluate the fundamental quality,provide the communicative knowledge, skill, qualification at psychologist’s professional job. Development of communicative competence is formed on social-perceptive skills level.
Keywords: Communicative competences, Professional growth, Training intervention
Today in ongoing modern social-economic, political and social-cultural processes the activities of Kazakhstan educational system raised. Modern changes in social life have a dynamic character: the new technologies are being introduced (in industrial and economic spheres), political and state doctrines are being changed, alternative sources of public thoughts have appeared, the views on the «truth» and «necessary», scientific knowledge is sustainably increased and the scale of information is also being increased.
However, today there is a new issue from the principle point of view in front of the education system, which forms professional trajectory, and creates favorable conditions to establish competent specialists that has its educational, intellectual and moral advantages.
The issue of professional training is not the competence of only several educational centers in cities or in the regions; today, it is very urgent issue raising in front of the education structures to train every specialist according to the character of social dynamics, changes, to the issue of personal self-determination.
After Kazakhstan involved in Lissabon convention and Bologna process the recognition of the competence concerning the high school education within the Europe requires restructuring of local education system providing high quality which answers the modern demands. The President of Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev in his Message to Kazakhstan people said that «Kazakhstan is in its quick renewal economic, social and political way» and has stated that «It’s clear that in ХХI country that could not develop its education is destined to deadlock» also he highlighted, «...the objective of Kazakhstan high school institutes is to educate according to world standards. The effective realization of this objective is directly related to the rethinking of high school institutes to the issue of realization of innovation processes in the sphere of education, the training of the specialist of the future, etc., with creative thinking, with high level of professionalpedagogical competence.
The foundation of professional competence which is the important part of professional culture of future specialist, the capability of realizing his professional functions and the manifestation of the readiness is paved at the places of high school. The competence of the specialist to realize the innovation activites as the general professional competence is formed and developed during his professional life. The issue of forming the professional competence has to be realized in terms of the innovational technologies of future specialist in high school, in its broad sense, which is coming from the new tasks of studying of natural and humanitarian disciplines that are related to the local economy and development of industrial innovation.
The psychological features of the communicative competence of high school students are the main factors of forming them as professionals. The objective of high school is the student. To give proper thoughts on the communicative features of the individual it is necessary to train high competence of future specialists and to form, realize those properties throughout the years.
The scholars who engaged in studying of communicative competence are М. Zhukov, О.I. Muravyeva, С.М. Rogozhnikova, И.V. Makarovskaya, N.С. Kolmogarova, Е.А. Kapustina and others. The authors gave proper definitions and considered the forms of communicative competence.
According to Aleshina, Abramova, Kochyunas & Zhukov (1983), the communicative competence of high school students is constructed as the forming image of the future in his job. In the views of the scholars, communicative competence is the «the heart the professionalism of future specialists», because, the communication composes the professional being (Kochyunas & Zhukov, 1983).
The term «communicative competence» was firstly applied and explained by Bodalev (1996) as the involvement in and enhancing effective communication by using the internal resources (Bodaleva, 1996).
The communicative competence as it defined in social encyclopedia – is « ... the direction of the interrelations in different conditions and is based on the following(Ivanov, 2003): 1.The knowledge and emotional experience of the individual; 2.The capability of involving an effective communication with the others, 3.The sustainable form changing of social environment and individual interrelations and psychic states due to the self-cognition and studying others» V.N. Kunichina defines the communicative competence as the simple «success of relation» (Kunitsyna, 2001).
Labunskaya by studying the communicative competence underlines its three components: 1. Accuracy (proper) of accepting the other people; 2. The development of the tools of non-verbal relations; 3. The acquiring of oral and written language (Ezova, 2008).
The communicative competence of the specialist is professionally developed knowledge, communicative and organization flexibilities, the ability to self-observe, empathy, the complex culture of verbal and non-verbal relations. Also, the communicative competence is reflected in humanistic direction, in sensing others, in appropriate perception, the readiness of joint collaboration, mutual interaction, to understand the interest in welfare of others, etc, the manifestation of empathy.
2.Problem Statement
Communicative competences among high school students are the main factors of forming them as professionals. It relates with professionally developed knowledge, communicative and organization flexibility which is highly important.
3.Research Questions
The level of communicative competences during special psychological training was measured before and after intervention. During the training intervention following technics were applied: Warm-up exercises, role games, couple character games, and group discussion
4.Purpose of the Study
The purpose of the present study is to investigate the psychological features of communicative competence among high school students. The issue of professional training is not the competence of only several educational centers, but the main issue in developing high quality professionals in modern Kazakhstan.
5.Research Methods
In the present study we used following methods:
1. B.А. Fedorishin’s questionare defining the communicative and organizational capabilities
2. The test of communicative habits (Author: L. Mikhelson translated and adopted by Y.Z.
3. Diagnostic scale of communicative social competence 4. Mathematical processing of research results.
The discriptive analysis of communicative competences was made before and after the training intervention. The communicative and oratorical abilities was increased in experimental group. In experiment group the level of dependence and aggressiveness decreased, however, the acceptability of changes was not proven statistically. By the test of communicative habits it was taken place logics, attentiveness,the decreasing of level emotional stability.
For adequately perception and estimation the persons in order to develop the skill of correct accepting and to estimate people, firstly, people should carefully observe the person who is contacted with them, then they might notice the individualistic notices. This means that it is necessary to establish the stable skill that influence the psychological estimation of the persons. This shown direction when one meets the new person and strives to know about him a lot, and firstly it is necessary to establish the habits that allow him to adequately perceive and estimate them as a person.
"Adequate style of communication and good result may be formed on human's individual experience conclusion".Here it is very important to observe the communicating people, strive to be like they are, to learn from their examples, also to acquire the new interaction and one should often conduct an experiment.
The level of communicative and organizational capabilities development determined by the given methods are shown in following Table 1.
(18,6%), 2 grade – 5 persons (31,5%) and 1 grade – 2 person (12,5%).
From the Observing group 5 grade were taken by 2 person (13,4%), 1,2,4 grades were achieved by 3 person (20%-) and 3 grade were taken by the 4 persons (26,6%).
According to the achieved results, the vast majority of students from experiment group showed low level of communicative and organizational capabilities. The students from observing group showed medium level of development of their informative and communicative capabilities. There was relatively revealed that the students showed high and very high grades among two group of students. This indicator has a small percentage. According to the results we can say that the communicative and organizational competences of the students of two groups are not comprehensively developed and need some development.
The percentage of “dependence”, “competence” and “aggressiveness” were noted in the table 2.
The following indicators were achieved by the communicative erudition measurement: In the observing group the propensity for dependence was shown in general in 2 person (13,3%), the propensity for aggressiveness - 7 persons (46,7%), the propensity for competence in 6 persons (40%).
In experiment group the propensity for dependence were in 5 persons (31,2%), the propensity for aggressiveness in 6 persons (37,6%) and the propensity for competence.
Thus, the majority of students in observing group resort to the aggressive methods in communication, also, the majority of them have a competence in interrelation. Only, the small part of these students approves the strategy of dependence in interrelation.
In experimental group all three indicators are in the same relations. In particular, one third part of the students chosed the aggressive methods in communication, the second part showed the dependence in communication and the last part chosed the competence in interrelation.
And, to increase the communicative competence there was conducted a training in experimental group.
The program of «The training of communicative competence» is made according to the following principles: During the training the following methods were applied: 1. Warm-up exercises; 2. Modeling of the cases of role games; 3. The games in group – couple character; 4. Group discussion
According to the results of re-testing the communicative and organizational capabilities the
following indicators were achieved:
Among the students one person gets 5 grade 1 (6,8 %), 2, 3 and 4 grades were received by
the 4 (26,6 %) and grade 1 was given to 2 person (13,3 %).
In experimental group: 5 grade were shown in 4 person (25 %), 4 grades were received by 5 person (31,5 %), 3 grades were received by 6 person (37,5 %),2 grades were given to 1 person (6 %).
Thus, the communicative and organizational competence among students in experimental group is very high. Only the small number of the students shows the low level.
The dependence, aggressiveness and competence characteristics are shown in the table 4.
According to the results of re-testing of communicative habits the following indicators were
5 people are dependent in communication from observing group (33,3 %), 5 people are aggressive in communication in comparison with the observing group (33,3 %) and the same number- 5 people are competent in communication from observing group (33,3 %).
In experimental group the dependence in communication as the main factor was seen in 4 person (25 %), aggressiveness in 4 person (25 %) and competence in 8 person (50 %) were defined.
The percentage indicators of different estimations of communication and organizational competences of the observed and experimental group before and after training are shown in figure 1.

Figure 2. shows the indexes of priority connection between observing persons in experimental

In communicational process the priority of aggressiveness fell down from 37,6% to 25%, the prevailence of communication dependence has decreased from 31,2% to 25%. Thus, the percent of priority of qualification has increased (from 31,2%- to 50%-) between students in communication.
According to given results we can summarize that observing students’ aggressiveness and communication dependence in experimental group has increased.
Communicative skills test creates not only prevailing character in communication (dependence, aggressiveness or qualification), but also according to revealed data the qualitative characteristics of communication skills were changed.
According to the results we can conclude that communicative competence is psychological knowledge system on professional and individual tasks and objectives, oneself and others, communicative skills, communicative strategies in social cases. Being psychologist assume us to evaluate the fundamental quality,provide the communicative knowledge, skill, qualification at psychologist’s professional job. Development of communicative competence is formed on socialperceptive skills level The conducted research of measuring the students’ communicative competence training allow us to draw the following statements: 1. By using the method of COC there were shown the communicative and oral capabilities of observing and experimental groups, but it didn’t reveal statistical decreasing data. Besides, according to the training results in experimental group the high level of communicative and oratorical capabilities of observed participants were significantly increased and the accuracy of these changes were proven statistically.
2. By the test of communicative habits there were proven the decrease of observes with communicative competence in the observing group and increasing of independence characteristics
of interrelation, however, from the statistical point of view it was proved the decreasing level of competence interrelation. Besides, by the training results of experiment group the percentage of students with the competence increased, the level of dependence and aggressiveness decreased, however, the acceptability of changes was not proven statistically.
3. By the test of communicative habits it was taken place logics, attentiveness, the decreasing of level emotional stability in relations. The accuracy of changes is not essential, that is why it was not proven statistically. Besides, in the observing group the percentage of the students that strive for the communication, taking initiative in interrelation, having its independent thinking and not fearing to talk on them has increased, also the emotional stability, logics, paying attention to the interlocutor have increased. The the increasing of positive changes during the striving for communication was proved.
4. Based on the achieved data, the teaching aspects of conducted and processed communicative competence training are important and positive.
There were processed the proposals on adequate perception of the persons that are very important for the future specialists and the results of researches of obseving the students.
Summurizing the revealed data communicative competence is psychological knowledge system on professional and individual tasks and objectives, for oneself and others, communicative skills, communicative strategies in social cases. Communicative competence in psychologist job is one of the fundamental qualities; it provides the communicative knowledge, skills, and qualification at psychologist’a professional job (Zotova, 2006).
Development of communicative competence is formed on social-perceptive skills level. According to psychologist’s opinion, social- psychologists training influences a lot on development of communicative competence.
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Kochyunas, R., & Zhukov, YU.M. (1983). Social and psychological training: problems and prospects. Psychology questions, 7, 125-132.
Kunitsyna, V.N. (2001). Interpersonal communication: The textbook for higher education institutions. - SPb.: St. Petersburg,. - 544 with Zotova, I.N. (2006). Characteristic of communicative competence. Psychology and pedagogics, 13(68), 225-227.
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06 January 2015
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Future Academy
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Educational psychology, education, psychology, social psychology, group psychology, collective psychology
Cite this article as:
Kalymbetova, E. . ., Kulsariyeva, A., & Massalimova , A. . (2015). Communicative competence of high school students. In Z. Bekirogullari, & M. Y. Minas (Eds.), Cognitive - Social, and Behavioural Sciences – icCSBs 2015 January, vol 2. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 180-188). Future Academy. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2015.01.22