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Threatening Impairment: Assessing the Effects of Diagnosis Threat on Concussion Screening Tests

Table 1: Responses to manipulation check items and condition

Manipulation check item Neutral expectation Negative expectation F p-value
Perceived personal relevance of excerpt (8- point likert scale) M=6.18 SD=1.250 M=5.75 SD=1.288 .162 .692
Perceived truth of excerpt (6- point likert scale) M=3.73 SD=.905 M=4.17 SD=.389 .429 .521
Performance expectations (8- point likert scale) M=5.55 SD=1.128 M=5.17 SD=1.029 4.549 .048*
Perceived likelihood of cognitive impairment (8-point likert scale) M=4.18 SD=1.537 M=4.17 SD=1.115 .015 .904
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