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A Literature Review Of Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) Research In Malaysia

Table 1: Effectiveness of using interpreters in delivery site instructions

Items Never Seldom Sometimes Frequently Always Mean Std. Deviation
Does your company use FGWI for delivering construction site instructions to other foreign general workers? 931% 26.9% 26.9% 620.7% 1034.5% 3.21 1.719
When using FGWI as your mediator, are the site instructions given clearly to the foreign general workers by the FGWI? 620.7% 310.3% 827.6% 827.6% 413.8% 3.03 1.349
Do you trust FGWI in delivering construction site instructions to other foreign general workers? 517.3% 13.4% 931% 931% 517.3% 3.28 1.306
Is it effective to use FGWI at your construction site? 00% 26.9% 724.1% 1137.9% 931% 3.93 0.923
Do you highly recommend the use of FGWI at construction sites? 00% 26.9% 724.1% 827.6% 1241.4% 4.03 0.981
By using FGWI at a construction site, does it enable the project to be completed on time? 13.4% 310.3% 620.7% 1137.9% 827.6% 3.76 1.091
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