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The Relationship Between Internet Usage And Cyberbullying In Social Media

Table 4: Post Hoc Test

(I) Internet Surfing Period (J) Internet Surfing Period Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig. 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound Upper Bound
Below 1 hour 1-3 hours .03000 .48694 1.000 -1.3366 1.3966
4-6 hours -.27224 .48041 .956 -1.6205 1.0760
6 hours and above -.47936 .47964 .802 -1.8255 .8668
1-3 hours Below 1 hour -.03000 .48694 1.000 -1.3966 1.3366
4-6 hours -.30224 .10917 .055 -.6086 .0041
6 hours and above -.50936* .10575 .000 -.8061 -.2126
4-6 hours Below 1 hour .27224 .48041 .956 -1.0760 1.6205
1-3 hours .30224 .10917 .055 -.0041 .6086
6 hours and above -.20712* .06972 .033 -.4028 -.0114
6 hours and above Below 1 hour .47936 .47964 .802 -.8668 1.8255
1-3 hours .50936* .10575 .000 .2126 .8061
4-6 hours .20712* .06972 .033 .0114 .4028
*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.
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