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A Matrix Analysis On Building Maintenance Budget Determination In Malaysia

Table 6: A Matrix for Generating Summary of Research Finding: Interview Question, Type of Maintenance Works Undertaken by the Appointed Contractor

Sub theme Findings Refinement Findings
Q2 Finding 1 Implement a comprehensive maintenance as stipulated in the Privatization agreement. Northern and Eastern zone - 4 scope of works; Scope of maintenance work must comply with the instructions in the privatization agreement
    Repair work – Mechanical and electrical;Building structure and components; Upgrading internal decoration and services; Inspection and commissioning equipment’s and plumbing system.
      Southern zone - 2 scope of works: Repair work - Mechanical and electrical; Inspection and commissioning equipment’s and plumbing system.  The scope of work of each zone is not standardized
Q2 Finding 1 Using the 'blueprint' or based on the life of each component Northern zone - 2 type of measurement; Building performance measurement: according to regulation and monitoring task as stated in RDM tasks.
Finding 2 Monitoring is doing by site visits and feedback from every FCU building. Southern zone: - Monitoring method is through visits and feedback from every FCU building
When the components have been damaged, decayed, dilapidated, or does not work - then maintenance is carried out
Q2 Finding 3 Eastern zone - 2 type of measurement: The building assessment is not uniform.
(1) Building condition analysis; and (2) Equipment data analysis
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