Improvement Of The Technology Of Separation Of Utfel I Crystallization In Batch Centrifuges
Figure 4: The scheme of the product department: 1 – a collection of syrup; 2 – a collection of sugar gluing II; 3 - a collection of sugar gluing III; 4 – a vacuum device I of the product; 5-a collection for preparing the first outflow for rocking utfel I; 6,17 – collections of the first outflow of the first stage of centrifugation of utfel I; 7, 18 – collections of the second outflow of utfel I; 8, 16 - collections of the first outflow of the second stage of centrifugation of utfel I; 9 – vacuum apparatus II of the product; 10, 22 – a collection of outflow of the utfel II; 11 – vacuum device of the product III, 12 – collector; 13-perforated pipe for feeding the outflow to the utfel mixer; 14-utifelemeshalka-crystallizer; 15 – centrifuge I of the product; 19-receiving utifelemeshalka, 20 - centrifuge II of the product; 21-gluing apparatus; 23-receiving utifelemeshalka; 24-crystallization unit; 25-utifeleraspredelitel; 26-centrifuge III of the product; 27-gluing apparatus; 28-molasses collector; 29-scales
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