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Increasing The Efficiency Of Industrial Crystallization Of Sucrose

Table 1: Average results of boiling massecuite I crystallization

Showing Method
Known Proposed
Technological indicators
Purity of massecuite of the first crystallization, %:- in the first vacuum apparatus- in the second vacuum apparatus 91.8391.51 91.8091.50
The dry matter content of the massecuite of the first crystallization, %:- in the first vacuum apparatus- in the second vacuum apparatus 92.2292.87 92.2592.25
Average yield of sugar crystals from a centrifuge for two massecuite of the first crystallization, % to the mass of massecuite 50.1 51.6
Physical and chemical indicators
Color, units wholesale pl. 104 95.5
Turbidity, physical units 28.8 19.1
The content of reducing substances, % 0.052 0.027
Ash content, % 0.037 0.020
Granulometric indicators
Average crystal size, mm 0.69 0.72
Coefficient of heterogeneity, % 29.1 24.8
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