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Lesson Study – Modernization of Undergraduate Training of Future Primary School Teachers

Table 2: Legend for Graph 2

1 I had problems formulating the goal of the lesson
2 Preparation of the lesson was very time-consuming for me
3 The selection of methods and their implementation was difficult
4 I was unable to use the teaching aids in a functional way
5 I had difficulty leading the lesson according to the planned methodological procedures
6 At times I was unable to activate all pupils
7 I focused especially on the active pupils
8 I found it difficult to explain unfamiliar terms so that the pupils could understand
9 I had some problems with formulating questions
10 I was often unable to maintain reasonable discipline
11 For the reasons mentioned above, I was sometimes unable to use appropriate educational measures in classes
12 I had problems with standard pronunciation
13 I failed to adopt the technique of verbal expression properly (articulation, intonation, volume, etc.)
14 I had problems using non-verbal communication (gestures, facial expressions, etc.)
15 I had great problems with writing on the blackboard
16 I was often unable to control stage fright
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