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Semantic and Cognitive Content of the “Work” Concept: Content Analysis Results

Table 3: Extremum values of the “work” concept indices occurrence frequency

Indices modalities Index occurrence highest frequency Indices semantic expression
Positive modality maximum values 1 1,351.00 Interesting
2 704.00 Favourite
3 677.00 Responsible
4 531.00 Easy
5 488.00 Well-payed
6 422.00 Compulsive
Neutral modality maximum values 1 1040.00 Labour
2 851.00 Payed
3 422.00 Mental
4 384 Physical
5 376 Creative
Negative modality maximum values 1 660.00 Hard
2 617.00 Difficult
3 486.00 Mammoth task (complicated)
4 317.00 Miserable salary ( a hand-to-mouth salary)
5 252.00 Labour-intensive work (consuming, resources intensive)
6 233 Monotonous
7 204 Tiresome
8 195 Infinite cross
9 111 Dangerous
10 107 Dull
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