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Thematic Analysis of Malaysian Online News on People Living With Mental Illness

Table 1: Six-stage procedures for thematic analysis (Adapted from Braun & Clarke, 2006)

Stage Explanation
Stage 1: Familiarising oneself with the dataset Read and re-read and note down initial ideas. The initial ideas are most likely to be initial categories (or codes) of information being classified.
Stage 2: Coding the data Generating initial codes to organize the data, with full and equal attention given to each data set - Labelling and organizing data items into meaningful group
Stage 3: Generating themes Involve the process of sorting out the codes into initial themes and also identifying the meaning of and relationship between initial codes - writing themes and their defining properties.
Stage 4: Reviewing themes Identifying coherent patterns at the level of the coded data. This stage involves reviewing the entire data set as a whole - ensuring there is enough data to support a theme, collapsing overlapping themes and re-working and refining codes and themes.
Stage 5:Defining and naming themes Identifying the story of each identified theme and fitting the broader story of the data set to respond to the research questions - cycling between the data and the identified themes in order to organize the story
Stage 6:Producing themes Presenting a concise and interesting account of the story told by the data, both within and across themes - writing a compelling argument that addresses the research question. This stage requires writing beyond the simple description of the themes.
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