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Examining Malaysian Professional Communication Students’ Use of Metacognitive Strategies in Oral Presentations

Table 6: Statistics on evaluating strategies construct for all respondent

Mean Std. Deviation
After completing my presentation in English, I consider if/ how I can reapply the same strategies but in the same situations in other disciplines/ subject areas. 4.36 0.75
After completing my presentation in English, I think of any new knowledge/ information/ skills I have learnt. 4.34 0.805
After completing my presentation in English, I think about if there were other strategies that may help me in the task. 4.32 0.771
After completing my presentation in English, I think if I should do the same for the next task for the same subject. 4.18 0.657
After completing my presentation in English, I evaluate if the newly acquired knowledge/ information is useful for my future learning. 4.18 0.756
After completing my presentation in English, I decide if there is any change based on the newly acquired knowledge/information to what I already know. 4.02 0.876
After completing my presentation in English, I check if I have met my goals.. 4 0.988
After completing my presentation in English, I judge if any of my predictions or guesses that I made earlier are correct. 3.95 1.099
After completing my presentation in English, I decide on the suitability of the strategies taken to achieve the objectives. 3.93 0.846
After completing my presentation in English, I ask myself if I am able to summarise what I have learned (mentally, orally, written, or graphically). 3.93 0.974
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