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Is School Education the Most Important Factor in Children's Personality Development?

Table 3: Vulnerabilities encountered in children of young school age - The percentage of teachers who say that they have faced the following vulnerabilities in recent years

Dimension Vulnerability Percentage of teachers
Poverty Child living in a household in monetary poverty 54.3%
Child living in a household in extreme poverty 25.9%
Child living in overcrowded housing 56%
Health Child who is not in accordance with developmental standards 63.5%
Child at risk of chronic disease (myopia, obesity, diabetes, etc.) 46.9%
Child living in a household with persons with chronic diseases 48.1%
Child with disabilities 39.5%
Education Child who did not attend kindergarten 48.4%
Child aged between 6 and 10 who was not enrolled in school or did not attend classes 21.7%
Child at risk of dropping out of school 38.5%
Child at risk of dropping out of school, who has special educational needs (CES) 35.6%
Child who dropped out of school 24.2%
Child with certificate of special educational requirements 45.7%
Risk behaviours Child at risk of violent behaviour 58%
Child living in a household at risk of violent behaviour 48.8%
Child in a family at risk of violence against children 41.4%
Child in a family at risk of child neglect 44.4%
Family and social conditions Child without a parent at home 92.6%
Child without either parent at home, but with an adult caregiver in the household 54.3%
Child without adults in the household 6.8%
Child born to teenage mother 31.3%
Child separated from family who is in the protection system 11.3%
Child at risk of family separation 23.5%
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