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The Use of Educational Technologies in the Students’ Pedagogical Practice Activities

Table 1: The types of students’ pedagogical practice

Types of Pedagogical Practice Description
Documentation Practice outlines the dissemination of information gathered from courses, school documents, scientific literature;
Observational or Passive Practice familiarizes the students with the teaching-learning strategies and styles that teachers use more frequently in fulfilling their duties. The observation of the didactic activity will acquire formative valences if a series of conditions are observed, such as:clear determination of what to observe,optimal observation conditions,optimal recording of observed acts,revision of the notes, appreciation, reflection on the observed data by giving a necessary time to review the noted ones in order to clarify the ambiguities, to share some experiences, ideas, etc;
Active Teaching Practice consists in the effective assumption of the roles related to the teaching activity starting from the lesson projection to the preparing of teaching materials and finishing with teaching lesson, pupils’ evaluation and self-evaluation of the teaching act.
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