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Opportunities and Tools for Distance Mentoring at University: "MCU - Your Mentor" Platform

Table 2: Distance mentoring platform rubricator. Source: author's development

Rubric/tags Explanatory commentary
Education Law Normative legal acts, Federal State Educational Standards (FSES), Labor Code of the Russian Federation (LC RF), Uniform Qualification Reference Book Guide (UQRBG), professional standards
Professional ethics Communication with colleagues, students, including in the digital environment. Effective speech strategies. Conflict resolution
Class management. Motivation. Organization of group work, cooperation, maintaining discipline.
Digital technologies. Interactive forms of classroom management. Digital learning environment. Mixed and hybrid learning. Flipped classroom and others.
Individualization of the educational process Tutorial. Special needs. Giftedness.
Methods of teaching the subject. Features of teaching the subject. Working programs. Didactic know-how.
Control and evaluation Current control and intermediate attestation. Forms of procedures. Grading
Urban educational projects Urban infrastructure and its use. Integration of basic and supplementary education. Navigation of educational resources
Self-management Self-development. Career building. Helpful partnerships. Competitions. Professional development
Interaction with parents Duties and rights of a pedagogue. Internal corporate standards for interaction with parents. Handling of appeals and complaints.
Personal resources Emotional intelligence. Leadership. Meanings and values. Strategies for personal development
Work with families in the risk group. Cases of social and pedagogical neglect, family violence, addiction.
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