The Wellbeing Perception Of Teachers And The Impact On Learning Process Of Preschoolers


Wellbeing awaresness of teachers on improving learning process in early childhood education has become an educational policy practice in actual educational online context. The purpose of this study is to indicate the teacher`s perception on cultivating well-being that can indicate the level of increasing learning process and the development of social and emotional of children competences. In the actual educational context we need to improve the academic skills of early childhood children thru activities that they can improve their abilities and behaviours thru interactions for developing academic competences. However the new curricular approach on early childhood education aims to represent the necessary context for ensuring the optimal conditions for development in terms of key competencies is to facilitate a balance between socio-emotional aspects, learning and well-being. Teacher`s perception that children’s positive attitudes on learning may be improved when well-being was achieved was particularly evidenced by increasing the confidence and the enthusiasm of children manifested in all learning process. Educators' perception on the awareness of increasing children well-being for the impact on learning process has become a real need on developing also their professional competences thru training courses.

Keywords: Earlychildhood interaction,wellbeing, prescholers key competences, process learning, social-emotional competences


Actual articles in this sui generis issue knock the outcomes of interventions to advance teachers emotional and social competence and well-being as well, on the specific kind of professional development courses, early childhood health consultation, mindfulness-based caregiving process interventions and thoughtful guidance or counselling and specialist consultation.

Researchers found that some early childhood educators were inclined to receive a mindfulness-based caregiving intervention, suggesting opportunity for a two-useful strategy tailored intervention of mindfulness-based of caregiving to strengthen stress and bear care giving attitudes. (Brian, Taunton, 2018)

Significative, findings evoke that caregiving mindfulness-based interventions should be designed to the context issues, placed in a culturally delicate behaviour, and desired providers’ timetable and educational necessity.

Because of the COVID-19 crisis context it was produced, Special Issue of Early Childhood Education Journal has fathom implications of the whole segment of early childhood education and care identified as (ECEC) (UNICEF, Global Insight, 2021)

The youngest children were particularry exposed and vulnarable to surround-mental mischance because the early years up to seven has been represented as critical and vulnarable time when the development proceeds and the body and the architecture of the mind structure are being organized for the establisment settled for later on learning.

The largest professional scientific publisher of early childhood education materials in the whole world, Springer Nature Journal has agile responded it to facilitate all the scientific publications connected to the pandemic context as an open free source noncharge access and accessible to all having an internet connection and reading IT devices.

As slated, in the early 2020 here was a few published articles or studyies including the effects of the global pandemic COVID in the and early childhood and care, some how emphasize with the need for high-achiever scope for publications about the specific topics. Into this global health crisis is the ``largest simultaneous stroke to all education systems in our lifetimes`` (UNICEF, 2021 March 26)

Entire world, the pandemic COVID-19 has raised the earlychildhood education order to a threshold of collapse and marshal leading early childhood system organizations for COVID-19 financial packages deal to defend early education curriculum (National Association for the Education of Young Children, Zero to Three, 2020)

Problem Statement

Mostly children inhered vulnerability because they are depending on the adults on having done their basic needs. In case of adults without resources for encounter with the first assistive question a pandemic space where the assist organizations do not exist, it can result real difficulties for the very young child.

International readership of Early Childhood Education Journal both with the interdependent implications of international health crisis emphasized that thru collaborative effing already with the local networking context involving with another early childhood authority, will do with the professionals in all affiliated specific fields.

UNICEF’s (2021b), in the UNICEF Report it is estimated anable to outburst outside learning over the pandemic ensure is that almost 1/3rd of all kindergarden children whole world context that have been. (UNICEF Report, 2021-2025)

In the early childhood, the cognitive development is a prior focus children experience Commonly and the main need of academic skill in early child has been already explored in many types of study researches in the main areas of interest as mathematics, literacy and language. In the earlychildhood learning situations children use to listen to their educators sitting that involves propensity being lethargic learners and understanding learning as a passive implication.

Studies on the physical activities development on children up to (0-6 years old) in improving learning process is barely seen in preschool development stage. As an outcome, children will experience different opportunities for making physical movement during integrated designed learning activities. Participating on an active learning process in preschool period children stage development can ensure friendly understanding for actual educators.

To increase children’s physical movement activities and wellbeing experiences in early childhood education (ECE), teachers need to create and propose appropriate these kind of activities for individual and both children class for encouraging making activities through instruction. (Hujala, 2008)

Teachers will propose and will adapt different open educational sources on increasing the level of physical activity implication in learning activities that can influence the learning process developed in classroom space and also for activities developed outdoor including also playtime as well (Hardiyanti, Ilham, 2019).

Through physical activities children can have opportunity to actively engage with their environment. As a result, physical activity can lead children to obtain benefits in term of enhancing academic performance, social and emotional development. Movement experiences can help children to understand academic concepts due to the opportunity to imitate object around them.

In the early childhood education as (ECE), for enhancing young children’s movement activities, teachers have to be instructors and learning facilitators for developing immediate and appropriate behaviours and for encouraging physical movement through learning designed situations. Teachers must create proper open educational sources identifying the role of the implications of physical activity on children`s learning in classroom and also for planning outdoor playtime and movement thru games that will influence positively children earlychild learning process.

Not only PA activities influence children learning but also the preschool curriculum adapted for an optimal, integrated and holistic development. By the specific learning of 0-6 years children, teachers must provide tailored curricula for ansurring an experential learning based on playing. The earlichildhood stage develop must raise awareness teachers to create integrated actuvuties for developin their holistic personality and to prepare de intergrations on the next quissition scool level.

So, teachers must cultivate constantlly wellbeing perception on getting efficient learning strategies and methods based mostly on learning by playing.

All the recent studies and researches în this educational field, demonstrated that encourraging children doing physical activities, will lead to develop behaviours in terms of attractive academic competences both with emotional and social development as well. (Reilly, 2010)

So preschooler teachers should improve their didactical competences and personal development to assure integrated activities tailored for gaining self-confidence on every task finished which included elements of movement activity in learning. An important role of learning implications including movement activities in early childhood period should be considered important for holistic pre-competences achievement such as cognitive, self-confidence, affective, emotional and social ones.

The earlychildhood curriculum - 2019 has a new approach on preschool education outcomes witch hightlighs most the outcomes that values as findings psysical development, personal care, socio-affective development, cognitiv development and cognitivă și word knowledge, literacy, comunication development, attitudes and skils for learning. (Curriculum pentru Educaţia Timpurie, 2019)

Research Questions

  • Are teachers interested on developing personal and professional needs?
  • How teachers can improve their`s transversal competences for implementing the New Curriculum for early childhood?
  • Why is important the developing perception of teachers in improving children`s learning?

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this paper study is to highlights the importance of personal development of preschool educators for assuring and designing efficient learning activities according to life birth up to six years children`s learning and care needs as depending of adults at this life stage development.

Teachers perceived the importance role of cultivating their partnership with parents in the interest of children`s learning.

Also, teachers should realize the need of personal development in their didactic career in the benefit of children for offering a quality and high standard learning educational environment.

Research Methods

This study was applied to fifty early childhood teachers (educators) from urban and rural environment two weeks for two hours daily training activities form cultivating their perception of learning towards children learning (form 0 up to 6 years of age) and for improving personal abilities, assuring transversal competences, improving teaching skills.

It reveals the results of teacher`s professional training needs for improving theirs professional and didactic competences, skills, their perception about learning in different context regarding early childhood stage. Preschool teachers participated on a training intervention designed for self-awareness on improving teaching skills and for creating a healthy educational environment for early childhood learning according to values and outcomes of the new curriculum.

Professional development course designed proposed four module with will improve their knowledge according the new approaches, also involved teachers to participate at face-to-face and online activities for improving teaching on class and for improving their personal competences also digital competence as well.

The curricula course was organized for sixty hours of training activities including evaluation portofolios and educational resources for improving their teaching on class.

Most important it was cultivated the perception for learning of teachers for improving children`s learning. Teachers participated in different activities context most blende-learning forms and peer-to peer activity as well for learning form everyone`s teaching and learning experiences.

During training proposed activities teachers had significant implications for understanding early childhood care and learning needs, to examine this new perspective providing interactivity learning strategies related to development the prior directions highlighted in ET 2019. They learn how to identify the new educational aims context for early childhood development .

Preschool teachers had the opportunities to create interactive lesson plans or to created teaching and learning situations adapted individually to children to increase and cultivate the wellbeing ag children for an efficient learning process. Without having a positive learning experiences individually or to participate to opportunities for practicing fundamental motor skills, children will not ” learn ” naturally this motor skill as a natural result of time (Gagen &, Getchell, 2006).


This study provides the findings of the new cognitive and attitudinal acquisitions of teachers implied in training activities for improving teaching skills as educators. The outcomes revealed significant knowledge achieving for valorise issues like: focus on child learning principle, cultivating fundamental children rights, the principle of active learning valuating contexts, cultivating the equity principle and interculturality dimension, principle as teacher-pupil educational interactions, the principle of cultivating the diversity of learning, the pupil`s learning experiences design, the need and interest for implementing the integrated learning experience based on playing.

The most important finding was teachers awareness attitude for creating the proper learning environment for assuring quality educational intervention on the children`s process of learning and to assure an optimal educational climate for developing children`s healthy, creative personality.

Teachers from the target group implied in training activities for 2 weeks answered to an online questionnaire. The questions interpretation reveals that all the participants have increase their wellbeing perception for improving children`s learning and to provide quality educational frames in different learning context, formal, extracurricular and outdoor learning according to children`s need for learning and to create de context to promote pupil`s pre-competences development for assuring the integration in the next elementary acquisition primary stage.

Educators must do training to integrate actively learning and movement activities in the classroom to create pre-schoolers adequate conditions and space for developing physical experiences. Fundings in this field need to improve educational practices and policies in two areas: improving teacher competencies and certificates, quality training and assessing design programs required for learning integrated movement experiences for an academic learning, assuring children’s security on developing movement skills and adequate teachers training programmes to their own movement skills development (Gehris et al., 2015).


This paper study indicated that preschool educators have to increase awareness and professional development for improving children learning activities due to their needs. Children who are engaged in early childhood learning activities had better academic comprehension and pre-competence development toward an integrated learning. Children were involved individually in educational designed activities including movement for improving personal acquisitions and learning process. Children also developed a real relationship with their peers and colleagues during the daily learning, routines and physical activities.

This context aspect guide children to improve ability well-being children toward themselves and teachers or adults.

Further, teachers have agreed that it teaching integrated activities is essential in early childhood age to effectively manage and facilitate the characteristic of a realistic learning based on children’s needs for care, health and learn.

In addition, the early childhood curriculum 2019 edition provides and implements guidance aspects for designing integrated activities according to develop also the mood of teachers and to self-awareness well-being cultivation to concern and emphasise with achieving the preschool academic competences.

The aims of the early childhood curriculum are proposing integrated learning activities that include all the of children personality aspects development, as a result of all stakeholders implied to work together for answering the issues found in the early childhood.

Several efforts were made for implementing a realistic shape support for teachers concerning to provide training and fissionability for improving learning adapting to the new approaches. This common effort embraces the perception for all teachers’ role to achieve the same goals also in school.


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  • Hujala, E. (2008). The Development of Early Childhood Education as an Academic Discipline in Finland. Tidsskrift for Nordisk Barnehageforskning, 1(1), 17–23, DOI:

  • Gagen, L. M., & Getchell, N. (2006). Using ‘constraints’ to Design Developmentally Appropriate Movement Activities for Early Childhood Education. Early Childhood Education Journal, 34(3), 227–32. DOI:

  • Curriculum pentru Educaţia Timpurie (2019).

  • Reilly, J. J. (2010). Low Levels of Objectively Measured Physical Activity in Preschoolers in Child Care. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 42(3), 502–507. DOI:

  • Gehris, J. S., Gooze, R. A., & Whitaker, R. C. (2015), Teachers’ Perceptions about Children’s Movement and Learning in Early Childhood Education Programmes. Child: Care, Health and Development, 41(1), 122–131. DOI:

  • National Association for the Education of Young Children (2020). Zero to Three.

  • UNICEF. (2021), March 26, New global tracker to measure pandemic’s impact on education worldwide. Tracker a collaborative effort of Johns Hopkins University, the World Bank, and UNICEF.

  • UNICEF. (2025). Global Insight 5year Outlook, 2021-2025, Office of Global Insight and Policy United Nations Children’s Fund 3 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY, 10017, USA United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), January 2021,

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23 March 2022

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Redeș, D. A., & Roman, A. F. (2022). The Wellbeing Perception Of Teachers And The Impact On Learning Process Of Preschoolers. In I. Albulescu, & C. Stan (Eds.), Education, Reflection, Development - ERD 2021, vol 2. European Proceedings of Educational Sciences (pp. 748-754). European Publisher.