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The Beginning Teacher In Romania - Between Professionalization And Digitization

Table 2: The level of cumulative development of professional skills by beginning teachers in primary education in Romania

The beginning teacher in primary education has skills Most of the time(90-70%) Somewhat(40-60%) Few times(10-30%)
Knowledge 22.58 % 74.19 % 3.23 %
Understanding 12.90 % 83.87 % 3.23 %
Use of specific language 12.90 % 83.87 % 3.23 %
Explanation 19.35 % 64.52 % 16.13 %
Interpretation 22.58 % 64.52 % 12.90 %
Application 16.13 % 74.19 % 9.68 %
Transfer 3.23 % 87.10 % 9.68 %
Problem solving 22.58 % 45.16 % 32.26 %
Reflection 3.23 % 61.29 % 35.48%
Creativity 32.26 % 61.29 % 6.45 %
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