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Teaching Staff’s Perception In The Pre-Academic Education On The Quality Of Education

Table 5: The centralisation of the results

Identified Indicators Relevance Degree Achievement Degree
The satisfaction of the beneficiaries’ actual and future needs 98% The procent 50% of the teachers consider that these needs are satisfied.
The human resource 96% Most of the teachers appreciate their own didactic performance in the interval 4-5.
The relation school-family-community 96% In proportion of 70% it is concretised in diverse forms.
The material endowment of the school 96% Less than 50% of the respondents are content and very content with the material conditions in schools
The didactic process 94% Offering learning activities which should lead to the formation/development of competences, objective evaluation and operative feedback are very important elements.
The students’ educational success 80% It depends in a very large extent on the activation of the student’s learning motivation and offering learning situations adapted to the children’s needs.
The observance of ARACIP quality standards 75% The standards are known and respected in a large extent.
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