The Biofertilizers For The Root System Of Apple Rootstocks
Keywords: Apple rootstocks, adaptation to in vivo conditions, in vitro culture, microclonal reproduction
Article no: 83
Pages 735-743
Keywords: Apple rootstocks, adaptation to in vivo conditions, in vitro culture, microclonal reproduction
Article no: 83
Pages 735-743
Keywords: Intellectuals, grassroots, social movements, habits, interactive rituals, emotional energy
Article no: 23
Pages 201-206
Keywords: Green cuttings, environmentally friendly preparations, rooting, apical growth, diameter of the root neck, root system
Article no: 19
Pages 156-162
Keywords: Morpheme, root, semantics, etymology, Adyghe language
Article no: 188
Pages 1622-1630
Keywords: Etymological family of words, lexical system, reconstruction, root stem, the Altai family of languages
Article no: 111
Pages 1070-1077
Keywords: Bayesian network, root cause analysis, maritime risk, terrorist attack, maritime security
Article no: 36
Pages 419-438
Keywords: Penrose square root law; degressive proportionality; European Parliament; voting power
Article no: 4
Pages 29-35